miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

The last class we talked again about organizational culture, we learned that within an organization there are a cultural diversity , that means that there are different cultures in a same corporation.People join different groups in the organization as they feel identify depends on what they like or not, to understand this better it is important to recognize the way the people interact from the beggining and polarized.

We also talked about how to analyze the diversity appreciation in order to understand what the customer have in mind and the potential that have a certain product, it is also related to the cultural added value in each culture.

We moved forward to make a funny activity, we went to the coffe shop to chose a group of people in a table and observed how they interact whit each other, if there was a leader, what were they talking about, what they study and so on. The we returned to the class room and shared what we saw , almost every one identified which carrier study the people we analyzed.

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