martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


The last class we saw four presentations:



Maria Fernanda Salazar Loaiza
Melissa Ochoa Ruiz

The main topic of this presentation was -Motivation in the work place- with emphasis in Argentina. At the start of the presentation they made an introduction about the company, we learned that Argentina is the most european-influenced country in South America, 85% of argentinian people are descendants of european immigrants,mostly Italy.So this european influence has a strong impact on business.They like to be viewed as cosmopolitan and progressive.

Management style in Argentina

  • Bulleted ListManagers tend to be authoritarian
  • Managers tend to be paternalistic it mean that it is compared with the father-son relationship
  • The boss acts like a boss
  • Managers are to be respected and obeyed
  • Power and decision-making concentrated at the top
  • There is often a strong fear of the boss


It is like a force that makes us do things, result of each one needs so it changes from person to person and determine the effort we put into our work.

"Your employees are your greatest asset and no matter how efficient your technology and equipment may be,it is no match for the effectiveness and efficiency of your staff ".

Motivational theory

Herzberg's two factor theory

- Factors that motivated employees in the workplace
- Factors that prevented job dissatisfaction

"Less connection with money and more associated with personal development and achievement"

Actions for increase motivation

  • If has a small number of employees, you will probably have an idea what motivates each one
  • If has a large number of employees,you may decide to delegate the task of identifying,motivational issues to assistant managers of immediate supervisors of the employees,etc.
There are two types of incentives a company can give to their employees

1. Financial: for those employees involved in production, produce as much as possible in order to achieve a high pay, company cars,private health, interest free or share of the company profits.

2. Non-Financial: giving employees more responsability, promise the chance of promotion if they reach a certain standard or target,job enlargement,rotation and enrichment.

Argentina's organizational culture

  • Argentines have a relatively strong work ethic
  • It is bases on the short term planning
  • Polychrinic culture
  • High information flow
  • Relationship oriented
  • Timescales and deadlines need to be set in advance
  • Several meetings
  • Tough negotiators
Business Protocol

  • A handshake and no show respect when greeting someone
  • Hug and kiss on the cheek
  • Argentines are touchers and stand close to each other when speaking
  • "OK" and "thumbs up" gestures are consider vulgar
  • Hitting the palm of the left hand with the right means "that is stupid"
  • Do not give personal items

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010




Natalia Soto
Juan Pablo Puerta
Ana María Araque

The main topic of this presentation was the emotions in the work place based on Japan. First of all, they show some videos , one of them was so curious because I did not know that japanese are implementing a system in which they controls how to do a perfect smile, because it has becoming very important in the japanese work place. In the other videos we could recognized how important is to control our emotions of angry or desperation because we can do something we will regret later, as they show people hitting and destroying their computers.

Did you know that Japan ....?
  • Is the world's most successful manufacturing and trading economy
  • Have relatively few natural resources and variable climate, it suffers earthquakes and extremes of weather
  • Is culturally influences by taiost,confuciand,asian and western ideas
  • Is highly collectivist
  • Is the most masculine of all countries
  • Has an intest interest in detail and miniature
  • Has flexible attitudes to change
  • Development is based on technology
  • Has to visible industrial sectors: a modern sector and the traditional one.
Management style

  1. Agricultural age management styles: rigid social class dividions meant management by dominant social class
  2. Industrial age management styles:hierarchical management models in industrialized western countries.
  3. Information age management styles: network-based,participatory management,consensus/team building,quality circles and total quality management;japanese management models, and elimination of some middle management positions.
Profile of traditional Japanese management practices

Management techniques include:

  • In-house training of managers
  • Consensual and decentralized decision-making
  • extensive use of quality control methods
  • carefully codified work standards
  • emphasis on creating harmonious relations among workers
  • life time employment and seniority-based compensation

Emotions are psychological and physiological episodes

experienced toward and object,person,or events that create a

state of readiness


Less intense emotional states that are not directed toward

anything in particular.

It is very important to control emotions at work in order to have a good atmosphere and relationship in the place you go every single day and do a good job.

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI): The ability to perceive and express emotion in though, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in oneself and others.

Business protocol in Japan

Show respect for Japanese culture all the time

The traditional form of greeting is the bow that depends on the relationship to the other person and the situation

It can be so impolite to introduce yourself

Punctuality is important

Always give a small gift to the most superior person at the end of the meeting

Japanese business cards are called meishi and are received with both hands

Remove your shoes before entering to a house

Wait to be told where to sit

Learn to use chopsticks

Dress to impress

Women should not wear pants in a business situation


The last class, we saw a very sad video that show us the reality that lives North Korean people, we knew a little bit from the last blog question, but it was better to see it because nobody could just imagine how communism has change north koreans' way of thinking.They believe that their leader is god in earth and what he said is the last word for everything ,if he does not exist, they neither! How is this possible? because North Korea is an impenetrable country, there is not internet or way of communication with the outside, that is why they don't have new technologies, they do not have even cars just bicycles. Also there is a differentiation among the people, the exemplary, the oscillating and the incorrigible people.So just the best people can have privileges like access to the superior education. What about complain? everything is restricted , if someone critiques the politics there are more than 104 penances to punish them. The most critical situation is the alimentation of North Koreans, the regime gives to people only 15 pound of rice, 3 pounds of meat and 16 eggs per month! what means that they are dying because of the hungry.

martes, 14 de septiembre de 2010


After the World War II North Korea took a communistic form of government from the USSR, while South Korea became a democracy. That is why North Korea has live contracted and away from the rest of the world meanwhile South korea is prosperous and has succeed in many competitiveness around the world.

Japan occupied the korean peninsula but when Japan's surrendered, United States accepted the surrender of all troops of the south while the Soviet Union all those surrendering in the north. United States set elections in 1947 to reunite Korea in one local government but the north refused and the nation split into the democratic people's republic of korea with its capital in Pyongyang and the Republic of Korea with its capital in Seoul.

In 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea, but a lot of countries sent assistance to South Korea, one of those countries were Colombia, because of that Koreans greatly appreciate us. In 1953 the war ended.

South Korea came out of the war as a free nation and among the years has implemented governmental programs to developed prosperity and become a high level industrial country.South koreans practices a form of Buddhism but in recent years there have been an important increase of christians.

North Korea developed differently. North Koreans have a lot of barriers to go out of the country and a socialist economy was assumed, that means that the state control most of the nation's industry and the rest is in the hands of organized cooperatives. It is known for all the world, that in North Korea is been developing nuclear experiments but they denied access to an inspection from the international atomic energy agency, which complicated the relations with the west.The North Korean government implemented the "war economy" that means that every day a North Korean just eat a portion of rice. It was estimated that thousands of people had died due to the cold,hunger and no medical attention. Also there is prohibit in North Korea to be Christian,they have been brainwashed and believe that KIM II SUNG is god in earth.

For all these reasons South Korea has experienced economic success and christianity while North Korea has been starving.




Laura Gallo
Luisa Gómez
Cynthia Saldarriaga
Laura Restrepo
Luz Adriana Rosso

My classmates talked last class about South Korea, I really like this country because my best friends in London where from there!

The oficial name of the country is Republic of South Korea and the capital city is SeouL,the currency is the korean won.This country is leader in automobile,chemical,electronics,shipbuilding,steel and telecommunications production.

The korean food is very spicy, they eat a lot of vegetables and sea food.Giving food demonstrates care for another's well being


Japan and United States management have had a significant impact on that of korea. They integrated the japanese management system into their own.


Koreans will observe your attitude toward the korean culture and you will be certainly ask about your impressions of their country.

One of the best ways to develop good relationships with korean co-workers,bosses and subordinates is to have fun together,activities such us hiking,tennis or visiting cultural sites are quite common for korean workers to do together. You'd be wise to participate in these events as a way to know your colleagues.

It is important also to observe the general principles of the korean etiquette,including respect for positions and hierarchy but beyond that, expatriates of all personalities have been warmly welcome into korean organizations.


In korea when you wish to begin a business relationship with someone,it is very important to be introduced to that person by a third party


  • Stand up for greetings
  • Shake hands (not to hard or firm)
  • Bow (not as deep or long as japanese)
  • Say "Ban gop sumnida" -->I'm happy to meet you
As well as in China, in South Korea, cards are presented and received with both hands.


A smile can mean shame or embarrassment. When they make a mistake or do something "bad" to you, they are likely to smile or even laugh, which mean they are sorry.

The main topic of this presentation was the role of workers and immigrant workers. First they started defining the role of workers today which is the same for workers of all levels: - to think independently to act effectively-.

In the other hand the term "migrant worker" has different connotations around the world, however it refers to a person who is engaged in a remunerated activity in a state of which she or he is not a national. The united nations gives protection to the rights of the immigrant workers and their families.


WOMEN in the workplace: it is awkward for a korean man to be supervised by a woman, so women will need to take care to establish her position of power while at the same time, treating her subordinates with kindness


Tens of thousands of migrant workers in South korea face discrimination,exploitation and appalling working conditions.Many face a spiral of debt and are forced to work illegally because their employers withhold their salaries and existing laws make it hard to change jobs legally.Workers come from China,Vietnam,Bangladesh,Nepal,the philippines and Indonesia among other countries.


  • Great and bow the first time you see each person each day,accompanied with a handshake.
  • Maintaining eye contact is good etiquette.
  • Always carry business cards, preferably printed in English and Korean.
  • If you work for a korean president,owner or principal, he or she probably will not expect you to follow the korea rules of behavior.
  • Establish a good relationship before you discuss any work.Develop social networks,both among expatriates and koreans,to help you in future work transactions
  • A first meeting is a "get to know" affair rather than focusing on business matters.
  • Recognize that entertaining is an essential part of doing business,and that the cost of entertaining may far exceed what it costs in your home country.
  • Be flexible.Pushing too hard will certainly not be viewed favorably
  • Get a third party formally to introduce you to a potential business associate.Self introductions are rarely successful in Korea
  • Giving gifts, is also considered a way to build relationship.Gifts are always reciprocated so be sure to bring some with you from your native country.
  • The most convenient times for doing business are between 10 am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010


The last class the professor started talking about some kinds of hostile reception, including xenophobia,social invisibility ( guilt that creates hate), discrimination and social, economical and legal abandonment.

Then we define informality which means operate in illegality but not whit illegal objectives.
  • Do not use complex technologies
  • There is not a well establish work division
  • They are not legally constituted
  • They have many work relationships at the same time
Informal workers (DANE)

  • Unpaid family employees
  • Domestic service
  • Self-employees
  • Ten or less

  • High or low entry or exit barriers,depending on the activity: there are mental barriers such as "What'd people say?" or other human barriers like in Medellin there are semaphore's owners so no one but them can work there.
  • Need for seasonality: Christmas' trees , Valentine's cards...
  • Ilegal control of certain activities
  • Abuse of power
  • Irregular salary
  • Reduced or no control from the government
  • Autonomous or complementary activities
  • Small scale with some exceptions
  • Reduced or no control from the government
  • Social or family relationships replace the impersonal work
  • Poor competitiveness: buy expensive & sell cheap
  • Not reinvestment (short-term orientation)
  • Low voice and non-unionization
Social problems
  • Do not pay taxes
  • Unfair competition with the formal sector: prices, piracy,distribution,copyright, etc.
  • No warranty on products
  • Social discomfort
  • Threats on health
Induction factors
  • Economic needs
  • Traffic and exploitation of human beings
  • Migrations
  • Access to cheaper resources
  • Lack of legal and financial opportunities
  • Unemployment
  • High transaction costs
  • Poor economic growth and high birth rate

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010



Catalina López
Natalia Gutierrez
Susana Ramírez

This class my friends and me had to made the presentation, we talked about China and our main topic was - Mergers and acquisitions-

Before we started the presentation we brought a very kind chinese guy called Zhen, he is in Colombia learning spanish and working in the "Instituto Confucio" here at university. Zhen told us a little bit about the chinese culture and the differences he saw between the colombian and his culture. He said that chinese are very influence for the confucianism , in that order, they respect a lot the spaces between the people and they do not hug or kiss each other as much as we do, to greet they just move their hands. The punctuality is highly important for them, they always arrive 5 minutes before an appointment, they give business cards with both hands and the person has to received like that. He also said that his generation is called "ants generation" because they are really hard workers. Zhen answered many questions to the group and was really nice his introduction.

Then we started saying the general aspects of this country China is the most populous state in the world with over 1.3 billion people, it is governed by the Communist Party of China (CPC) under a single-party system and exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four directly administered municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two highly autonomous special administrative regions, Hong Kong and Macau.The Capital city is Beijing and the current president is Hu Jintao.


China is a multi-religious country.Taoism,Buddhism,Islamism,Protestantism and Catholicism have all developed quite a following in this country. Freedom of belief is a government policy, and normal religious activities are protected by the constitution.

Here we came to a debate, Buddhism is a religion or a style of life?

In Confucian philosophy, all relationships are deemed to be unequal. Ethical behavior demands that these inequalities are respected. This Confucian approach should be seen as the cornerstone of all management thinking and issues such as empowerment and open access to all information are viewed by the Chinese as, at best, bizarre Western notions.


The concept of 'face' roughly translates as 'honour', 'good reputation' or 'respect'.

Types of 'face':
  • Diu-mian-zi: this is when one's actions or deeds have been exposed to people.
  • Gei-mian-zi: involves the giving of face to others through showing respect.
  • Liu-mian-zi: this is developed by avoiding mistakes and showing wisdom in action.
  • Jiang-mian-zi: this is when face is increased through others.
Our main topic was MERGING PROCESS


  • Business combination transactions involving the combination of two or more companies into a single entity.
  • Most state laws require that mergers be approved by at least a majority of a company's shareholders if the merger will have a significant impact on either the acquiring or target company.

ACQUISITION and MERGERS are different, ACQUISITION is when one
company takes over another and clearly established itself as the
new owner, the purchase is called an acquisition. From a legal
point of view, the target company ceases to exist, the buyer
"swallows" the business and the buyer's stock continues to be
traded. And a merger happens when two firms, often of about the
same size,agree to go forward as a single new company rather than
remain separately owned and operated.

Mergers and acquisitions in China offer some strategic benefits
to the foreign investors, as well as the domestic investors. One of
the principal goals of the mergers and acquisitions in China is to
gain knowledge and market share in the Chinese market.


"Guanxi" is an important chinese business element, it literally
means "relationships" and stand for any type of relationship. In
the chinese business world, however, it is also understood as the
network of relationships among various parties that cooperate
together and support one another.


•Only senior members of the negotiating team will speak.
Designate the most senior person in your group as your
spokesman for the introductory functions.

•Business negotiations occur at a slow pace.

•Be prepared for the agenda to become a jumping off point for
other discussions.

•Chinese are non-confrontational. They will not overtly say
'no', they will say 'they will think about it' or 'they will

•Chinese negotiations are process oriented. They want to
determine if relationships can develop to a stage where both
parties are comfortable doing business with the other.


Tolerance and respect should be the words.
The people who comes to Colombia for any reasons but drugs or illegal thing should be treated very kind and welcome to show them what our country really is. We are hard workers, helpful and amiable.
As I already have an experience living in other country I always apply the proverb "Don't do unto others what you don't want done to you". If i did not want English people to reject me I will not do that to anybody