martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010


The last class we saw four presentations:



Maria Fernanda Salazar Loaiza
Melissa Ochoa Ruiz

The main topic of this presentation was -Motivation in the work place- with emphasis in Argentina. At the start of the presentation they made an introduction about the company, we learned that Argentina is the most european-influenced country in South America, 85% of argentinian people are descendants of european immigrants,mostly Italy.So this european influence has a strong impact on business.They like to be viewed as cosmopolitan and progressive.

Management style in Argentina

  • Bulleted ListManagers tend to be authoritarian
  • Managers tend to be paternalistic it mean that it is compared with the father-son relationship
  • The boss acts like a boss
  • Managers are to be respected and obeyed
  • Power and decision-making concentrated at the top
  • There is often a strong fear of the boss


It is like a force that makes us do things, result of each one needs so it changes from person to person and determine the effort we put into our work.

"Your employees are your greatest asset and no matter how efficient your technology and equipment may be,it is no match for the effectiveness and efficiency of your staff ".

Motivational theory

Herzberg's two factor theory

- Factors that motivated employees in the workplace
- Factors that prevented job dissatisfaction

"Less connection with money and more associated with personal development and achievement"

Actions for increase motivation

  • If has a small number of employees, you will probably have an idea what motivates each one
  • If has a large number of employees,you may decide to delegate the task of identifying,motivational issues to assistant managers of immediate supervisors of the employees,etc.
There are two types of incentives a company can give to their employees

1. Financial: for those employees involved in production, produce as much as possible in order to achieve a high pay, company cars,private health, interest free or share of the company profits.

2. Non-Financial: giving employees more responsability, promise the chance of promotion if they reach a certain standard or target,job enlargement,rotation and enrichment.

Argentina's organizational culture

  • Argentines have a relatively strong work ethic
  • It is bases on the short term planning
  • Polychrinic culture
  • High information flow
  • Relationship oriented
  • Timescales and deadlines need to be set in advance
  • Several meetings
  • Tough negotiators
Business Protocol

  • A handshake and no show respect when greeting someone
  • Hug and kiss on the cheek
  • Argentines are touchers and stand close to each other when speaking
  • "OK" and "thumbs up" gestures are consider vulgar
  • Hitting the palm of the left hand with the right means "that is stupid"
  • Do not give personal items

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