lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010



Ana María Uribe
Beatriz Trujillo
Sara Cordoba
Melissa Gonzalez

In this presentation Beatriz did not make to arrive but the other classmates presented all. The main topic of this presentation was Leadership in Venezuela so it was necessary talk about the president Hugo Chavez and his influence in our neighbor country. The official name of Venezuela is the Bolivarian Repuplic of Venezuela and his president is both chief of state and head of government, the capital city is Caracas.
After a general review of the country our clasmates told us a little bit about the behaviour of the business people, they are punctual an like to have control in the conversations, it is not good to talk about politics in a business conversation and if you want to do business with Venezuelans think in a long-term relationship. When you introduce yourself to a group of people do it always first to the oldest one and when you say good-bye do it to each person individually. Something very funny is that if you are invited to a venezuelan's house DO NOT arrive PUNCTUAL!


The business set up in Venezuela is hierarchical (plays- teamwork and collaboration)

Due to the managers’ paternalistic attitude, the role often extends into giving advice on personal matters.

Managers tell subordinates what they want done, although they may consult with subordinates with experience in a specific area before making decisions.

Venezuelans focus on long-term rather than short-term goals.

Men should not take off their suit jacket unless the most senior Venezuelan does, while women should never remove their suit jacket during meetings or negotiations.
Women's opinions are generally well respected.

It is important to have a wide range of contacts; this is a country where "who you know" is often more important than what you know.

Poor communication can devastate a company:

when an employee does not share ideas, or opinions with their superiors (fear), the decisions of that manager suffer, due to the lack of knowledge of what is really going on in the organization and with the market place.

Venezuela is seen to have a medium tolerance for change and risk; it is very relationship-oriented, therefore people will not want to upset others in order to push through a deadline.


¢Venezuela has lack of good managerial leadership in the business sector.
¢Management leadership in Venezuela, emerged from the sindicato laboral.
¢Organizations are changing their structures to become linear (horizontal) where communication is direct and absent bureaucrazy makes the decision-making process more effective
¢The actual management in Venezuela is based on teams work and the interrelations between all the members of an organization.
¢This will aim at customer satisfaction and all the processes that make up its administrative management will focus on this goal as well which will make the organizational culture is customer oriented.
¢Management in Venezuela is a challenge, because environmental conditions are constantly changing, uncertain, turbulent, and risky. Companies have to be aware for a constant change among threats, opportunities

At the end of the presentation we saw a funny video of one guy that started making a very strange dancing and the people
started to followed him, he was a real leader!!



A religious institution is established as a non profit organization constituted to promote religious purposes or beliefs. To be an institution it is necessary to have a common place to worship the believe god or gods such as churches,temples, synagogues,mosques. All charities supported by religious organizations or societies founded by members of faith can be recognize as a religious institutions. In the other hand, a system of beliefs is a mental assumption, idea or knowledge that one person believe as the truth and assume it as his/her point of view about anything concrete, ex: person,object,group, or about anything abstract,ex:thoughts,theories,information. This system of beliefs that is also call cognitive system, determines how a person uses, filter and receives the information of all the world around them. So we can see that a religion institution is something established where you follow some set rituals and assist to ceremonies and comply with the mandates of that institution while a system of belief is a mental patron that each person decided to follow or believe and it is about anything not only religion, a system of beliefs can be consider more as a style of life.


domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010


Last class we talk about Religion, there were a lot of history around this topic, some debates and somehow I realized that religion influences a lot the behavior of a person in all aspects of their life.

First, the professor started talking about Babylon because the bible reveals that all systems of religion started in that land , from there he started to talked about Judaism, which is one of the oldest monotheistic religious,Jews believe that God choose Abraham to be the father of a people who would be an example of god behavior and holiness for the rest of the world.Abraham is called Ibrahim by Muslims who see him as the father of the Arab people as well as the Jewish people through his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael (Isma'il in Arabic.Muslims are those who follow the Islamism which began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that there is only one God. The Arabic word for God is Allah.But continue with judaism,the Jews, under God’s guidance became a powerful people with kings such as Saul, David, and Solomon, who built the first great temple.From then on Jewish worship was focussed on the Temple, as it contained the Ark of the Covenant, and was the only place where certain rites could be carried out.What is called the "Current Era" (After Christ) traditionally begins with the birth of a Jewish teacher called Jesus. His followers came to believe he was the promised Messiah and later split away from Judaism to found Christianity, a faith whose roots are firmly in Judaism.This history of Christianity is focussed on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God.It has been suggested that the work of Jesus Christ and the impact of his death and resurrection would not have made any lasting impact on the world were it not for the missionary work of Paul.He understood the resurrection to signal the end of the need to live under Jewish law.Instead Paul taught of living in the Spirit in which the power of God was made to work through human flesh.He insisted that Gentiles had as much access to the faith as Jews and that freedom from the Law set everyone free.It was this teaching which was essential for the development and success of the early church which would otherwise have remained nothing more than another Jewish sect.Paul established Christian churches throughout the Roman Empire, including Europe, and beyond - even into Africa.Constantine set Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire.When Rome fell in 476, it meant that Western and Eastern Christians were no longer under the same political rule and differences in belief and practice arose between them.The split led to the Orthodox church and the Roman Catholic church. The Orthodox church does not recognize the authority of the Roman papacy and claims a Christian heritage in direct descent from the Christian church of Christ's believers.Catholics believe that the Pope, based in Rome, is the successor to Saint Peter whom Christ appointed as the first head of His church. He therefore stands in what Catholicism calls the apostolic succession, an unbroken line back to Peter and has supreme authority. Popes can speak infallibly on matters of faith and morals but in practice do so rarely. The professor told us about the church in the middle age and how it turned to be more a business than a religion institution, because they holy name someone to obtain profits from the people, this cause some controversy because Ana defended the church so the professor said he will send some proves of this.In the XVI century the King Henry VIII of England wanted to end his marriage but the catholic church did not allow this, so he broke ties with the pope and the church of Rome, making certain changes in the worship and practice of christians in England. The church in England became Known as Anglicanism. Some classmates said that this was a fake church because was created just under the needs of that king.Then the professor talked a little bit about other beliefs in the world such us the Buddhism which is is a tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development. Buddhists strive for a deep insight into the true nature of life and do not worship gods or deities.The history of Buddhism is the story of Siddhartha Gautama spiritual journey to Enlightenment, and of the teachings and ways of living that developed from it.One day, seated beneath the Bodhi tree (the tree of awakening) Siddhartha became deeply absorbed in meditation, and reflected on his experience of life, determined to penetrate its truth.He finally achieved Enlightenment and became the Buddha. The Mahabodhi Temple at the site of Buddha's enlightenment, is now a pilgrimage site.Buddhist legend tells that at first the Buddha was happy to dwell within this state, but Brahma, king of the gods, asked, on behalf of the whole world, that he should share his understanding with others.Here the professor made a connection between Buddhism and Hinduism because Brahma is for both the creator. Hinduism is the religion of the majority of people in India and Nepal. It also exists among significant populations outside of the sub continent and has over 900 million adherents worldwide.Unlike most other religions, Hinduism has no single founder, no single scripture, and no commonly agreed set of teachings.

At the end of this speech we saw the differences between many conceptions of creation, beliefs and cultures around the world that came from a religious point of view.


  • The concepts saw in class and some research in